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Share memories,
connect, leave a legacy.

From a life story to an online memorial, preserve and share cherished moments for generations to come.

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  • Easy to setup

  • Secure, privacy controlled and always ad-free

  • Unlimited space for images, videos and stories

  • Invite unlimited family and friends

  • Full control: manage access and contributions

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Reflecting and seeing these photos online is a wonderful way to just bring us back to what's really important. So the service that you guys provide is helpful on many deep universal levels for families.

- Karen del Fante, United States

I realized that this is for our family, it's a living document and it's going to be something that will serve our family into the future. Building the memorial was a very emotional experience.

- Mark, 55-year-old son

It was really meaningful to be able to read through so much about him that I didn't know, it seemed like a nice way for people to still like connect with each other and everything.

- Jessica Williams, United States

As seen in

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